

Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week just past. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 7 to 13 March 2016:

  • ~683 Messages (down about 12% relative to last week)
  • ~202 Unique threads (down about 9% relative to last week)

A quieter week than last and relatively little traffic that seemed a fit for Lwood, however with PTL nominations opening up there was some interesting traffic related to that, summarised below.

Notable Discussions

New API guidelines for review

Chris Dent writes that there are two new API guidelines ready for review by interested folk;

Election Season!

Tristian Cacqueray noted early in the week that both PTL and TC elections are coming up in March/April respectively.

A few days later Tony Breeds followed up with the formal notification of the opening of Nominations for OpenStack PTLs.

In the People and Projects section below there’s a summary of both retiring PTLs and PTL Candidates.  It’s worth noting that at the time of writing Glance, Horizon, Murano, Nova, Telemetry and QA appear to not have continuing PTLs or new nominees.  Of course it’s early days too :)

Stale Specs…

Mike Perez pulled together a useful summary of cross-project Specs that appear to have gone stale.  While the onus is typically on the original author to revive them, it can be an opportunity for other interested parties to assist.

At a quick glance there’s a fairly wide range of Specs in there, so if you’ve some spare cycles… :)

Upcoming OpenStack Events

Unless I missed it (certainly possible in 200+ threads!) no new events came up on the list this week. Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s comprehensive Events Page for a comprehensive list though!

People and Projects

Core nominations

PTL’s stepping down

PTL Candidates

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Journey (Escape) and King’s X (Gretchen Goes To Nebraska) :)





Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week just past. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 29 February to 6 March 2016:

  • ~773 Messages (up about 22% relative to last week)
  • ~222 Unique threads (up about 14% relative to last week)

A busy week on the list – since I kicked off Lwood the only week that was busier was week ending 20151206 with 793 and 232 messages and threads respectively.  And of course turns out this was one week where I didn’t keep up with traffic every day, so had, ahem, quite a few messages to go through this morning! :)

Notable Discussions

Internationalisation Liaisons sought

Daisy Guo notes that there will be full time translators from IBM assisting the community based translation teams for Mitaka. Liaisons are sought from across the OpenStack project, but particularly Nova, Glance, Keystone, Cinder, Swift, Neutron, Heat, Horizon (including the various Horizon plugin projects) and Ceilometer.

The future of LBaaS v1 support

A short thread kicked off by Sam Bercovici asks when/if it’s appropriate to remove LBaaS v1 support from Neutron.  The consensus seems to settle out around “Yes, but in Newton” but as rightly pointed out by Kevin Fox, only once there is a plan for an upgrade path.

ATC Free Summit Passes

Last weeks Lwood flagged the post Thierry Carrez wrote regarding the proposal to separate the Design and general Conference parts of the OpenStack Summit.

While the main thread has more or less settled out in the affirmative around the planned changes, there was an interesting digression starting around here about reducing the perceived/actual “gaming” of gaining ATC status in order avoid paying the Summit ticket fee.  Some good food for thought in the ensuing dozen or so posts.

Changing format of Microversion Headers

Writing on behalf of the API Working Group, Chris Dent flags the desire of the WG to subtly change the format of the headers before too many projects start making use of them.

A small change and normally a bit low level for Lwood, but given the importance of getting it sorted early in the piece worth posting.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

Some of the OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s comprehensive Events Page for a broader list!

Midcycles & Sprints

People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Eagles (Hotel California), Dire Straits (Love over Gold) and DGM (FrAme).  Yes, I’m aware there is something of a contrast between the first two albums and the last one :)




Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week just past. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 22 to 28 February 2016:

  • ~635 Messages (up about 9% relative to last week)
  • ~194 Unique threads (up about 4% relative to last week)

A busier week and one that includes of the longest threads I’ve seen thus far – 95 messages and counting in the discussion around separating the design summit. More on that thread below :)

Notable Discussions

A proposal to separate the Design and Conference parts of Summit

In this post Thierry Carrez puts forward a well reasoned proposal to separate the Design and general Conference parts of the OpenStack Summit.

At 95 messages and counting it is predictably becoming quite a long but I think largely constructive thread, the general consensus seems to be towards this being a good idea. What remains a little unclear is how this might play out in practice for people – will the split mean an extra couple of trips a year, or the same number of trips but slightly different foci to them ?

Thierry provides a helpful summary of the discussion so far as it stood towards the end of the week in this email. Mike Perez gives an excellent summary of the thread as at the time of his weekly digest in this message.

Giving the tox/pytest Sprint a helping hand

In this email Ryan Brown draws attention to the IndieGoGo campaign to help raise funds for the tox/pytest sprint planned for late June in Freiburg, Germany.

The funds raised go directly towards covering the costs of the core attendees – Ryan commends individuals to contribute as well as suggesting its something the OpenStack Foundation might wish to pitch in towards.

State of Fernet tokens in Keystone

Adam Young gives a quick update on the state of Fernet tokens in Keystone – something a bunch of folk seem to either be counting on or are at least interested in, including a couple of my erstwhile colleagues at the office :)

The tests that fail at least seem to be understood based on the comments that follow, so looks like we’re in reasonable shape!

Two additions to the Big Tent

Two additions to the Big Tent were announced last week, Dragonflow (a distributed SDN controller) and Kuryr (a networking/integration bridge between Docker and Neutron)  Thanks to Eran Gampel and Gal Sagle respectively for the update.

New cross project meetings for Quotas WG

Following up some recent interest around cross project initiatives for Quotas, Nikhil Komawar writes of upcoming cross project meetings to gather interested minds around this work.

Know your audience – release notes

Doug Hellmann kicked off an interesting thread later in the week reminding all of the need to consider who your audience is when putting release notes together. Doug notes there are at least three potential audiences for release notes – Developers consuming libraries or other code directly, Deployers and operators; End-users.  All have different needs when it comes to release notes, albeit with a fair amount of overlap.  A worthwhile thread to review and feedback is as always welcomed.

Some Midcycle and Ops Summit Summaries

It’s Ops and Midcycle season (!) – here some summaries that drifted by last week – apologies for any missed.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

Unless I missed it (certainly possible in 195+ threads) no new events came up on the list this week. Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s comprehensive Events Page for a comprehensive list!

People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Bruce Hornsby (Hot House) amongst other tunes.





Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week just past. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 15 to 21 February 2016:

  • ~583 Messages (up about 17% relative to last week)
  • ~187 Unique threads (up about 13% relative to last week)

After a quieter week last week, this week we’re back to the same levels as the week prior to that, within a couple of messages/threads in fact.  A shorter Lwood too.

Notable Discussions

OpenStack Contributor Awards

Tom Fifield writes to announce a new round of community awards from the OpenStack Foundation which will be presented at the feedback session of the Summit.  Intended to be a community led award that recognises areas of the community that sometimes go a little unnoticed, the Foundation is actively seeking nominees – have a think about your peers and colleagues and give someone a nod! :)

Do we need lock fencing ?

So asks Josh Harlow in this post to the list.  While I don’t normally put deeper development related topics in Lwood this one came a little closer to home than most and provides an interesting if technical insight into why Distributed Programming is Difficult™

Dust off your Comp. Sci. memories and have a read of Josh’s post and the two articles he links to :)

Limiting the number of Core reviewer by company ?

Late in the week Steve Dake kicked off an interesting thread where he asks whether there is a need to avoid a future situation where any one company has a majority of core reviewers on a project.  He cites Kolla and the large footprint of both Mirantis and Red Hat as an example for consideration.

The general direction of the thread at this early stage seems to be that there probably isn’t a need to artificially limit things – default to trust, assume good will on the part of the individuals involved being a recurring theme.  A thread worth a read :)

Some Midcycle Summaries

It’s Midcycle season (!) – here some summaries that drifted by last week – apologies for any missed.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

Some of the OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s comprehensive Events Page for a comprehensive list!

Midcycles & Sprints

People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Black Country Communion (Afterglow) amongst other tunes.





Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week just past. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 8 to 15 February 2016:

  • ~496 Messages (down about 15% relative to last week)
  • ~165 Unique threads (down about 11% relative to last week)

A bit of a quieter week this week – maybe a fair chunk of the community were recovering from a sportsball match in the US ? :)

Notable Discussions

Time to separate Design Summits from OpenStack conferences ? – Part 2

As mentioned in Lwood last week, Jay Pipes kicked off a thread that suggested that perhaps the time has come to separate the OpenStack Design Summits from the more commercially oriented aspects of the Conference. The discussion continued apace throughout the week with many views being put forth.

One of the more significant messages was an email early in the week from Thierry Carrez where he flagged that he was working with the Foundation towards a strawman proposal that addressed, amongst other things, this very matter. He concluded with “So please stand by while we finalize that: I think you will like the end result.” :)

Why WADL when you can Swagger ?

Anne Gentle provides an excellent summary of the progress in improving application developer information on developer.openstack.org In among the provided info, a request for review from the community.  Check it out :)

Request for review of the Neutron Security Guide

Kevin Benton penned a short email asking for broader review of the Neutron Security guide – it’s been around a while and the security team would like to know if it’s still up to date and relevant.

What’s going on in Swift

John’s Dickinson’s email provides a nice summary of the current goings on in Swift from the perspective of the projects developers.  Worth a quick read if you’re a Swift user :)

Update on live migration priority for Nova

Paul Murray wrote up a precis on the state of work on live migration for Nova. Given the focus on “Enterpriseness” for OpenStack this cycle – important work and good to see things proceeding apace.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

Some of the OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s comprehensive Events Page for a comprehensive list!

Midcycles & Sprints

People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news


This edition of Lwood brought to you by Eric Clapton (August), Re-Machined: A Tribute to Deep Purple’s Machine Head (Various Artists) amongst other tunes.





Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week ending 7 February 2016. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 1 to 7 February 2016:

  • ~585 Messages (down about 6% relative to last week)
  • ~185 Unique threads (up about 4% relative to last week)

Steady as it goes this week pretty much.

Notable Discussions

Review requested for Rolling Upgrades and Updates user story

Kenny Johnston writes on behalf of the Product Working Group seeking feedback/additional reviews on a user story that discusses Rolling Updates and Upgrades.  If you’re working on or interested in improving upgrades please comment whether you’re a user or developer or both.  Given the importance of upgrades/updates for the OpenStack community (users and developers alike) this is a conversation worth joining :)

What makes it “Open” enough for OpenStack ?

Thierry Carrez kicked off a long but interesting thread where he opines “…If you need proprietary software or a commercial entity to fully use the functionality of a project or getting serious about it, then it should not be accepted in OpenStack as an official project…”  Thierry’s post and the discourse that follows is an intriguing and (generally!) well thought out discussion around this knotty topic.

Doug Hellman notes early in the thread that there is a more concrete case being considered at present in the form of the Poppy Project – a project that provides an Open Source front end/API to otherwise commercial services.

Well worth a read, particularly if you work for commercial entity that provides OpenStack related services and contribute resources to same.

The Trouble With Names

Sean Dague posted a thought provoking piece on the difficulty with names in OpenStack.  This in the context of project names (e.g. “nova”), common/generic names (e.g. “compute”) as well as namespaces in code repositories and elsewhere.

A lengthy discussion ensued with a general agreement that there was a need to do better, slightly less consensus on how that might achieved.

My impression and certainly my own experience is that many newcomers to OpenStack struggle with the “in joke” nature of some names in the early days and so it becomes part of the barrier to entry during that crucial period.  Please take a read of the thread and throw your views into the mix if you’re so inclined :)

Time to separate Design Summits from OpenStack conferences ?

In what looks like it will become a busy thread this week, Jay Pipes posits that perhaps the time has come to separate the OpenStack Design Summits from the more commercially oriented aspects of the Conference.

An interesting dialog follows with folk speaking for and against, but invariably constructively about the idea. James Bottomley is one of a number of folk who contributed to the discussion – he gives an interesting perspective from the experiences of the Linux Foundation and broader Linux community.

New API Guidelines for cross project review

From Michael McCune one new API guideline up for cross project review – “Must not return server-side tracebacks

OpenStack Mentoring

Mike Perez followed up last weeks post with more details about the OpenStack Mentoring program and the importance of same to growing the OpenStack community.  if you’re interested in helping out, or finding a mentor yourself, Mike’s post has the details.

Further DocImpact Changes

Lana Brindley gave an update on changes to the behaviour of the DocImpact script.  The result of this most recent set of changes is to revert the earlier tweaks and in so doing shift the responsibility for triage of incoming DocImpact changes into the project teams themselves.  More details in Lana’s post or here.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

Some of the OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s comprehensive Events Page for a comprehensive list!

Midcycles & Sprints

People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Joe Walsh (Funk 49-50) and Booker T Jones (Live, The Road from Memphis, Potato Hole) amongst other tunes.




Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week ending 31 January 2016. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 25 to 31 January 2016:

  • ~623 Messages (up about 24% relative to last week)
  • ~178 Unique threads (down about 3% relative to last week)

Messages up a fair bit, threads pretty flat this week…

Notable Discussions

New OpenStack Security Notices (OSSN 0060)

Glance configuration option can lead to privilege escalation (OSSN 0060)

From the summary “Glance exposes a configuration option called `use_user_token` in the configuration file `glance-api.conf`.  It should be noted that the default setting (`True`) is secure. If, however, the setting is changed to `False` and valid admin credentials are supplied in the following section (`admin_user` and `admin_password`), Glance API commands will be executed with admin privileges regardless of the intended privilege level of the calling user.”

More information and discussion in the original post or the OSSN itself.

Upstream University

Mike Perez announced a call for mentors and mentees to be involved in the upcoming Austin summits’ Upstream University. A feature of summits since Paris, this well attended and well regarded event provides an opportunity for developers new to OpenStack to “learn the ropes” in a friendly and supportive environment.  If you’re interested in assisting or attending, please sign up here indicating which you wish to do (mentor or mentee!)

Help improve the User Portal

Pieter Kruithof Jr noted that the UX group are seeking people who are “developing, testing and deploying apps to the cloud” for interviews.  The intent is to improve the end user information available through the User Portal to the benefit of all developers.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

A summary of OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s excellent Events Page for a comprehensive list!

Midcycles & Sprints

People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood was prepared while sitting in of a few different sessions at linux.conf.au – so no tunes, but some great presentations and, admittedly, a shorter Lwood :)




Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week ending 24 January 2016. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 18 to 24 January 2016:

  • ~502 Messages (down about 16% relative to last week)
  • ~183 Unique threads (down a bit under 7% relative to last week)

List traffic bouncing around the average level again now :)

Notable Discussions

All hail Newton and Ocata!

Monty Taylor announced the names of the next two release cycles.  The N release – Newton – is named after “Newton House” a historic site in Austin, Texas.  The O release – Ocata – is the name of a beach (and, apparently, bar) 20 minutes train ride from Barcelona, Spain.  If you read this, and are going to be in Barcelona and are the first to email me, I’ll buy you a drink in Ocata :)

Stabilisation cycles – a call to move a good idea forward

Flavio Percoco kicked off a long but worthwhile thread on the idea of having stabilisation cycles where projects can focus on stabilising the code base and consolidating things versus so much emphasis on new features.

It’s a cogent and positive proposal as is the discussion that follows – it speaks usefully into the matter of paying down technical debt as well as recognising that a cycle without new features is not without its difficulties for some.

New Ceilometer Plugin

collectd-ceilometer-plugin, announced here by Emma Foley, is a plugin that (as the name suggests) makes system statistics gathered by collectd available to Ceilometer.  Definitely useful stuff :)

Progress on Tap as a Service (TaaS)

As a follow up to the demonstration of TaaS in Vancouver, Reedip Banerjee sent a brief update on the work being done by the team and invited feedback on the latest cut of the specification.

Release Countdown for week R-10

Doug Hellmann posted a reminder that teams should be focussing on wrapping up new feature work and stabilising recent additions to the codebase now the second milestone is behind us.  Please take a moment to read his post for the full details.

Recording release information for Independent/Un-Managed Projects

Also from Doug Hellman – a note that independent and unmanaged projects should be providing information about releases so the the releases repo can make it available for reference.

He notes in a later post that there are plans to automate this in the future based on tagging, but for now it’s a manual process.

Demo of Vitrage – a Root Cause Analysis engine for OpenStack

Vitrage was announced at the Mitaka Summit and a later post to the list provided some more information on the project (mentioned also in Lwood-20151122)

Last week Alexey Weyl posted an update to the list announcing the project’s first demo – an encouraging looking few minutes of YouTube footage of Vitrage showing topology information based on information from Nova.

Update on Cross-Project Specs and your project

Following on from his post of last week, Mike Perez notes with thanks to all involved that the Project Team Guide has now been approved.  As he goes on to say “…please coordinate with your team to sign up…”

Tip: parsing json in logs and elsewhere

Matt Riedemann’s post kicked off a brief but helpful discourse on how to make otherwise fairly impenetrable chunks of linenoise json more human readable.  A brief thread but if you’ve ever had to decypher logs with chunks of json in it, might just be your friend and an opportunity to learn a neat tip from others…

Upcoming OpenStack Events

A summary of OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s excellent Events Page for a comprehensive list!


People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Steve Winwood (Chronicles), Sting (Ten Summoner’s Tales), Thin Lizzy (Lizzy Killers, Thunder and Lightning) amongst other tunes.




Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week ending 17 January 2016. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 11 to 17 January 2016:

  • ~600 Messages (up about 21% relative to last week)
  • ~196 Unique threads (up about 31% relative to last week)

List traffic back to it’s “normal” level :)

Notable Discussions

New API guideline for review

There is one new API guideline ready for review that will be merged on January 21st in the absence of any further feedback. It’s linked below – if you’re doing virtually any GUI related coding (as a consumer or exposing things to a GUI) you’ll want to check this out;

Changing every repository ? There might be a better way!

Doug Hellman writes a well reasoned post noting that if your change requires tweaks/changes to many many repositories it’s a fair bet that there might be a better way to accomplish what is required.  He invites folk to start a conversation on openstack-dev when this occurs so that a broader consensus or solution can be reached.

Results of Foundation’s 2016 Individual Directors election announced

Jonathan Bryce advises that the results of the OpenStack Foundation’s individual Directors elections have been announced after the election concluded on Friday last week.  Congratulations to all the successful nominees.

Cross-Project Specs and your project

From Mike Perez, an update and call for review on the cross-project spec liaison efforts. To recap, the cross-project liaisons from each project are called on to watch the cross-project spec repo and keep an eye out for things that might affect their project and take action where appropriate.

API Working Group Refresher

Chris Dent contributes a nicely written refresher on what the API Working group does and therein an invitation to participate in the groups work.  For those unfamiliar, the working group is charged with, among other things, ensuring that OpenStack HTTP APIs adhere to standards and are consistent across OpenStack.

Upstream Development track at next summit

Thierry Carrez flagged the existence of a conference track specifically aimed at upstream OpenStack developers – those that contribute to to the OpenStack codebase itself.  It’s the Monday before the summit starts – the call for participation is up now.  Check it out! :)

Upcoming OpenStack Events

A summary of OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s excellent Events Page for a comprehensive list!

General Events

As far as I could see, no new general events mentioned this week.


People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news

This edition of Lwood brought to you by Toto (Toto XIV), Trevor Rabin (Can’t Look Away) and Eric Clapton (August) amongst other tunes.





Welcome to Last week on OpenStack Dev (“Lwood”) for the week ending 10 January 2016. For more background on Lwood, please refer here.

Basic Stats for week 4 to 10 January 2016:

  • ~496 Messages (up about 246% relative to last week)
  • ~150 Unique threads (up about 127% relative to last week)

Traffic well on it’s way to pre-end of year levels.  Welcome back! :)

Notable Discussions

Release countdown for week R-12

Doug Hellman pens a short reminder of what should be occurring ahead of the Mitaka 2 deadline next week.

Temporary issues with Stackalytics ?

Joe Huang notes some apparent issues with the popular Stackalytics website – Jay Pipes subsequently points out that most of the Mirantis folk are on leave until the 10th, so presumably things will be sorted out quickly thereafter :)

This appears to be affecting both project and individual stats – the latter seemingly not being updated since December 31st.

Austin Panel Session on automatic config file generation ?

Kendall J Nelson sensibly suggests having a session at the Austin summit to further unify the automatic generation of config files.  The subsequent conversation went a little off topic, mostly looking at why Cinder did things differently, but perhaps the fact it did underscores the need for a bit of IRL discussion on it ? :)

Vision and changes for OpenStack API Guides

Anne Gentle writes that there is a lot going on this cycle in the area of OpenStack API Guides and API References and of a cross platform meeting tuesday (12 January) to discuss some of the work planned.  Please take a quick look at what’s going on – the information in question is one of the more important public facing bits of OpenStack after all.

Upcoming OpenStack Events

A summary of OpenStack related events that cropped up on the mailing list this past week.  Don’t forget the OpenStack Foundation’s excellent Events Page for a comprehensive list!

General Events

Once again a reminder that many projects and working groups were cancelling or altering the schedule of their regular IRC meetings for the period spanning the last week of December 2015 into early January 2016.  I believe most meetings are now back on, but check to be sure :)


People and Projects

Further Reading & Miscellanea

Don’t forget these excellent sources of OpenStack news – Mike’s summary makes a welcome return, Lana and Jay’s efforts remain on vacation as far as I’m aware so links are to the most recent edition :)

This edition of Lwood brought to you by the now sadly departed David Bowie (Best of Bowie), David Foster (The Symphony Sessions) amongst other tunes.



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