Everything Open 2023 Keynote

Earlier today I was delighted to do the keynote for day one of Everything Open. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have spoken, a wonderful audience and gracious positive feedback after the session. Thank you also to the folk the laughed at my jokes :) If you’re curious, the session was recorded and my slides are available here.

I touched on a range of subjects and the talk was a little chaotic, but by the midway point the reason for a degree of chaos likely became clear…

Rather than pepper the final slide with too many links I include them below in the hope they may be of use to others.  For the health related links I reiterate that it’s prudent to get professional guidance on these matters, I am merely speaking from my own experiences.

I add my thanks to those already given to the volunteers and AV team who made the session and indeed the entire event run so smoothly and of course the attendees who made presenting so worthwhile.

Here are said links…

2023-03-20 11:55 AEDT – Uploaded slides and updated link accordingly
2023-03-16 14:49 AEDT – Updated to include link to video thanks to Next Day Video

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